Install Instructions For Harman Distribution Blower: 1-00-29145

XXV/ Accentra-Cast units made without a rocker switch will ONLY have wires connecting for the Dark Blue and White. The spade on the motor for the red wire MUST be capped to prevent an accidental shorting of the circuit. Connecting a blank female wire terminal is the easiest way to do this.
Accentra Freestanding Instructions:
• Disconnect the stove from electrical power.
• Remove the rear access panels from the stove.
• Remove the two 5/16" screws that hold the bottom screen in place.
• Cut the wire tie that holds the power cord. Lay the assembly to the side as far as the power cord permits.
• Remove the two 1/4" bolts that hold the blower and the mounting plate.
• If the old blower is
- Bay Motor, all blower wires get cut as close to the blower as possible.
- EBM, the wire terminals will disconnect from the blower.
• Remove the old blower from the mounting plate and replace with the new blower.
• Set the blower assembly back into place.
• Strip the wires and install supplied terminals onto the wires that were cut.
• Connect the wires to the proper terminals on the blower motor.
- Light blue or white wire goes to terminal #1.
- Dark blue or black wire goes to terminal #2.
- Red wire goes to terminal #3.
- Green wire goes to the ground post.
• Tie the wires together to keep them away from any moving parts or any sharp edges.
• Install the bolts and washers that hold the blower assembly in place. Check that the ground wire and the post on the blower have clearance to the shield. If they touch, gently bend the ground post out of the way.
• Install the bottom screen onto the stove and secure it with the screws that were removed.
• Tie the power cord to the original location.
• Replace the rear access panels.
• Restore electrical power to the stove.
• Turn the feed knob to test mode. Verify the blower speed slows down when switching from high to low on the rocker switch. If it does not, reverse the top and bottom wires on the rocker switch.
XXV Instructions:
• Disconnect the stove from electrical power.
• Remove the rear access panels from the stove.
• Disconnect the wires that go to the blower.
• Loosen the two 5/16" screws located behind the ash door spring on the right side of the stove when facing the front.
• Remove the two inner 5/16" screws from the bottom of the left side of stove when facing the front.
• Lower the blower assembly, left side first. Unhook the right side and slide it out from under the stove.
• Cut the ties that hold the wires to the carrier.
• Remove the eight screws that hold the blower to the carrier and separate.
- If the old blower is a Bay Motor, all wires get cut as close to the blower as possible.
- If the old blower is an EBM, the wire terminals will disconnect from the blower.
- The green ground wire will not be used so it can be discarded.
• Strip the wires and install supplied terminals onto the wires that were cut.
• Connect the wires to the proper terminals on the blower motor.
- Light blue or white wire goes to terminal #1.
- Dark blue or black wire goes to terminal #2.
- Red wire goes to terminal #3.
• Tie all wires to terminal ends.
• When done the wires and wire tie ends cannot be under the plastic part of the motor windings due to clearance.
• Mount the blower onto the housing, keeping the wires out from between the motor coil and the blower housing.
• Run the wiring with the protective sleeve installed over the wires where they are tied to the metal housing. Be sure to route and tie the wires to keep them away from any moving parts or sharp edges.
• Slide the blower assembly back under the stove.
• Lift the right side of the blower, leaving the left side hang down.
• Slip the lip of the blower housing over the bolts that were loosened
to remove the blower.
• Lift the left side up while guiding the wires into the back of the stove and install the two mounting screws. Tighten all four mounting screws.
• Connect the wires to speed switch as follows.
- Red to the top terminal of the speed switch.
- Dark blue or black to the bottom terminal of the speed switch.
• Tie the wires together to keep them away from any moving parts and away from any sharp edges.
• Replace the rear access panels
• Restore the electrical power to the stove.
• Turn the feed knob to test mode. Verify the blower speed slows down when switching from high to low settings on the rocker switch. If it does not, reverse the top and bottom wires on the rocker switch.